Where Are You Going to Learn About Home Care This Fall?

Where Are You Going to Learn About Home Care This Fall?

By Stephen Tweed & Jensen Jones Leaders are Learners! And we have found that to be especially true with the members of the Home Care CEO Forum.  The leaders of home care companies at the top tier of home care regularly attend learning events to gather knowledge and find new ways to apply that knowledge to grow their businesses. Where are YOU going to Learn About Home Care? There are several gatherings of home care leaders this fall (2023) around the country.  We will be presenting at six of these events, and we invite you to join us. Home Care Association of Florida Private Pay Symposium, Tampa FL, October 4&5, 2023 Private Pay Home Care companies from across Florida will gather to hear about the trends shaping home care in the Sunshine State.  Stephen Tweed will be presenting “Visioneering Home Care: Seeing a Possible and Desirable Future for your Home Care Business.” https://www.homecarefla.org/pcs23/ National Association for Home Care and Hospice – Private Duty Summit,  National Harbor, MD, October 16 & 17, 2023 The National Association for Home Care and Hospice is bringing back its Private Duty Summit in conjunction with the NAHC annual conference and exhibition.  The theme this year is One Voice, Many Stories. Stephen Tweed will be presenting the keynote speech for the Private Duty Summit entitled “Telling your Private Duty Story” on Monday, October 16.  https://s23.a2zinc.net/clients/NAHC/NAHCEXPO23/Public/Content.aspx?ID=1951&sortMenu=105000 Home Care Association of America, Chicago IL, October 23 & 24, 2023  The 2023 HCAOA National Home Care Conference will be…

By Stephen Tweed & Jensen Jones

Leaders are Learners! And we have found that to be especially true with the members of the Home Care CEO Forum.  The leaders of home care companies at the top tier of home care regularly attend learning events to gather knowledge and find new ways to apply that knowledge to grow their businesses.

Jensen Jones giving a presentation to a group of people

Where are YOU going to Learn About Home Care?

There are several gatherings of home care leaders this fall (2023) around the country.  We will be presenting at six of these events, and we invite you to join us.

Home Care Association of Florida Private Pay Symposium, Tampa FL, October 4&5, 2023

Private Pay Home Care companies from across Florida will gather to hear about the trends shaping home care in the Sunshine State.  Stephen Tweed will be presenting “Visioneering Home Care: Seeing a Possible and Desirable Future for your Home Care Business.”


National Association for Home Care and Hospice – Private Duty Summit,  National Harbor, MD, October 16 & 17, 2023

The National Association for Home Care and Hospice is bringing back its Private Duty Summit in conjunction with the NAHC annual conference and exhibition.  The theme this year is One Voice, Many Stories. Stephen Tweed will be presenting the keynote speech for the Private Duty Summit entitled “Telling your Private Duty Story” on Monday, October 16. 


Home Care Association of America, Chicago IL, October 23 & 24, 2023 

The 2023 HCAOA National Home Care Conference will be held October 23 and 24 in downtown Chicago at the Chicago Hilton.  Jensen Jones, CEO of the Home Care CEO Forum will be presenting “Unlocking Success: The Power of Funnel Management.  Achieving Your Operational Goals by Taking Bites of the Elephant.”

Stephen Tweed, Founder of the Home Care CEO Forum will be presenting “Compassionomics in Home Care: The Impact of Compassion on Home Care Clients, Caregivers, and Companies.”


Private Duty National Conference, Las Vegas NV, November 12, 13, 14, 2023

The Private Duty National Conference hosted by Decision Health has been an annual event in Las Vegas for many years.  Jensen Jones, CEO of the Home Care CEO Forum will be presenting again this year on “Identify Right Fit Clients and Let Them Lead You to Success.”  


New England Private Pay Home Care Conference, Worcester, MA, December 7, 2023

The New England Private Pay Home Care Conference is a collaboration between the home care associations in five states:  Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

The collaboration of associations has invited Stephen Tweed to lead this event by doing three different presentations on Thursday, December 7.  Stephen will be presenting:

  • Top Ten Competencies of Highly Effective Home Care Leaders
  • Scaling Your Home Care Business with Data Oriented Decision Making
  • Compassionomics in Home Care: The impact of Compassion on Home Care Clients, Caregivers, and Companies. 


Home Care Executive Strategy Retreat, presented by Home Care CEO Forum, Orlando FL, December 12 & 13, 2023

Presented by the Home Care CEO Forum, and Hosted by The Home Care Association of Florida.

This one and one-half day executive retreat is designed specifically for home care company leadership teams who want to dig deeply into developing a five-year strategy to grow your business and get ready for the future.  Stephen Tweed will lead the participants through a hands-on process of developing a clear vision for the future of your company, crafting your company culture, and defining how your company is distinctive from your competitors.  Then you’ll develop your implementable action plan to take our home care company to the next level in achieving your five-year vision.  


Stephen Tweed speaking at your conference

Jensen and Stephen are available to Speak at Your Conference

Are you part of a home care organization that puts on an annual or semi-annual conference? You may want to consider having Jensen Jones or Stephen Tweed speak for your audience.  Jensen and Stephen bring decades of practical hands-on experience leading home care organizations, along with the latest research facts, data, and information to help your audience members grow their businesses and serve more clients.

To set up a conversation to discuss speaking at your conference, go to our website contact page and complete the inquiry form.  We’ll get back to you right away.