Mega Franchise Home Care Mastermind Group Kicking Off In San Antonio In January

Mega Franchise Home Care Mastermind Group Kicking Off In San Antonio In January

By Stephen Tweed As 2023 comes to a close, we celebrate Ten Years of the Home Care CEO Forum, and our Top 5% Mastermind Group.  Our first mastermind group met in Orlando, FL in February 2023.  A decade later we have five different mastermind groups with 54 member companies who meet regularly to share ideas, solve problems, and support one another.   You Asked for it! Here it is! If you are a franchise home care company generating over $6 million in annual revenue, this new group is for you. Over this past decade, we have had many home care franchise companies request to join a Home Care Mastermind Group.  Now we can honor that request by launching a brand-new group just for very large home care franchises. The Mega Franchise Mastermind Group is beginning to grow as we have had the preliminary online meetings with a group of companies ranging from six to sixteen million in annual revenue representing four of the leading franchise organizations in the country.  They’ve been getting to know each other, introducing their companies, and identifying big issues they would like to explore in the mastermind discussions. We’ll have one more online meeting on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm eastern time to dig into the issues, and finalize the details for our January in-person meeting.  Join us in San Antonio in January If you are the owner, CEO, or COO of a home care franchise that is over $6 million in annual revenue, and…

By Stephen Tweed

As 2023 comes to a close, we celebrate Ten Years of the Home Care CEO Forum, and our Top 5% Mastermind Group.  Our first mastermind group met in Orlando, FL in February 2023.  A decade later we have five different mastermind groups with 54 member companies who meet regularly to share ideas, solve problems, and support one another.  

You Asked for it! Here it is!

If you are a franchise home care company generating over $6 million in annual revenue, this new group is for you.

Over this past decade, we have had many home care franchise companies request to join a Home Care Mastermind Group.  Now we can honor that request by launching a brand-new group just for very large home care franchises.

The Mega Franchise Mastermind Group is beginning to grow as we have had the preliminary online meetings with a group of companies ranging from six to sixteen million in annual revenue representing four of the leading franchise organizations in the country.  They’ve been getting to know each other, introducing their companies, and identifying big issues they would like to explore in the mastermind discussions.

We’ll have one more online meeting on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 2:00 pm eastern time to dig into the issues, and finalize the details for our January in-person meeting. 

A river with buildings and trees and lights with San Antonio River Walk in the background

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Join us in San Antonio in January

If you are the owner, CEO, or COO of a home care franchise that is over $6 million in annual revenue, and if you would like to have some amazing conversations with owners of other top tier home care franchises from other systems, you’ll want to explore this opportunity.

We’ll kick of on Wednesday evening, January 10 with a dinner outdoors in an amazing restaurant on the San Antonio River Walk.  Then on Thursday, January 11, we’ll meet for a full day on the Embassy Suites San Antonio River Walk for in-sept discussions of the big burning issues facing this large home care companies. Friday, we’ll meet from 8:30 am until 12:00 noon, and finish in time for you to catch a plane home or enjoy the weekend in the fabulous city. 

Issues are Bigger for Bigger Companies

One of the things we have learned from our Top 5% Mastermind, and our Top 7% Mastermind, is that the issues facing owners of large home care companies are very different from the issues facing smaller companies.  According to research from Leading Home Care … a Tweed Jeffries company, there are fifty-five companies offering franchises in the home care industry, with a total of 7,668 franchise locations.  Data from the Franchise Times Top 400 Franchises shows that the fifteen largest franchising companies have 6,634 locations and generate a total of $8,660,549,438 in revenue.  That means that the average franchise in the to 15 companies generates $1,305,479.26

The discussion among companies generating $6 to $16 million is very different from the discussions among $1.3 million companies.  

If you are in the top one or two franchises in your system, then you are not able to have meaningful discussions with the smaller agencies in your system because the issues they are concerned about are very different from the things that keep you awake at night.

A group of people sitting around a table

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Learn from OPE

We’ve learned from a decade of over 65 in-person mastermind meetings that the best way to learn about the home care business is through OPE – Other People’s Experience.  And there’s no better place to gather OPE than from a mastermind group of companies in the very same business as you, that are very similar in size to you, and that don’t compete with you.

Register Right Now

If you fit the criteria for this group, then click on the link below and register right now.  Only one company per local market is permitted to join the group, so you’ll want to be the only company from your local market who can be part of this amazing networking mastermind opportunity.